What are workspace attributes?

Attributes expand the data you can include in recipient profiles and business cards, offering customization options for contact and business information beyond the primary fields like names, phone numbers, and photos.

A business or enterprise plan is required to use these features.

Workspace Attributes explained

Workspace attributes are custom data fields you can add to your recipients and their cards. With these attributes, you can collect and store additional information about your recipients and business, such as their social media handles, product links, calls to action, or event-specific items.

By default, Social Card provides access and support for the most common contact and business information fields, but with workspace attributes, you can add as many custom fields as you need to suit your networking needs. This can help you personalize your communication with your customers, enhancing their experience and building stronger relationships.

How Do Workspace Attributes Work?

Workspace attributes are easy to add and manage. When you create a new workspace in Social Card, you can customize its attributes in the Recipients workflow by adding new fields or editing existing ones. These attributes can be any text-related information and will only be interpreted once they are applied to links on cards.

Tip: To add a workspace attribute navigate to the recipient's workflow (Home // Recipients // Recipient attributes) and click the workspace attributes button in the top right.

Workspace attributes button
Workspace attributes button

Tip: Attributes have a unique name and an optional description. The name of an attribute is unique among your attributes, and duplicates are not allowed. So that you know – the name and description of your attributes are for internal reference only and will not be visible on cards.

Adding a new recipient attribute to a workspace to support a call to action link.
Adding a new recipient attribute to a workspace to support a call to action link.

Once you’ve added the attributes to your workspace, you can start populating them within your recipient profiles. When creating a new recipient or editing an existing one, you’ll see the option to add custom attributes alongside the default ones.

Example of potential custom recipient attributes
Example of potential custom recipient attributes

When you create a new card for a recipient, the custom attributes will also be available in the card mapping dropdowns referenced by the attribute name. As you can see below, the 'Expo 2023 cta' attribute is available for assignment to the card quick link

Mapping a custom workspace attribute to a card.
Mapping a custom workspace attribute to a card.
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