Add a new business card

Creating cards is the most common action taken in Social Card.


Cards are always linked to a single team member within your organization. Cards can be created in two ways:

  1. Create an individual card in your workspace from scratch.
  2. Create an individual card in your workspace from an existing recipient profile.

Create an individual card from scratch

  • From your home screen, click the Action button in the top right.
  • From the dropdown, click Add new cards.
  • Click Add Individual.
  • Then select Start from scratch.
  • Then, name your card. We recommend using the employee's email or full name.
    • Tip: Names are used to search and find cards inside your workspace.
  • Pick the card template to use on the new card.
  • Select the platforms you'd like to activate for this card.
  • Fill in the basic contact details for the card.
    • Tip: We'll use them to auto-fill card fields to speed things up for you.
  • Upload your team member's headshot photo.
  • Customize the card fields to fit your use case or team member.
    • Tip: Make sure all required fields have a value.
  • Click the Preview button at any time to see how the card will look when published.
  • When you're done customizing fields, click the Save & Continue button in either the top right or on the bottom of the form.
    • Tip: If the buttons are disabled, a required field somewhere is likely missing a value.
  • We'll save the progress you've made on the card and move you on to publishing.
    • Tip: Publishing makes the card live and ready to network.
  • Select the card platforms you'd like to publish by activating the toggle. Then click the Publish button.
  • Fill in a card recipient email. This is the email of the team member to whom this card belongs. We'll use this to distribute access to the card.
  • If you've activated the web page platform, you'll need to reserve a unique web URL path for your team member.
    • Tip: We recommend using your team members' email prefix for this value as a safe bet.
  • We'll then automatically provision your new business card.
  • Once published, view or distribute your team members new card.

Create an individual card from a recipient

  • From your home screen, click the Action button in the top right.
  • From the dropdown, click Add new cards.
  • Click Add Individual.
  • Then select Pick a Recipient.
  • Then, enter the recipients email and select their profile.
    • Tip: You can search for recipients with a partial email address.
  • If necessary, modify the default card name.
    • Tip: We recommend leaving the email or using the recipients name.
  • Pick the card template to use on the new card.
  • Select the platforms you'd like to activate for this card.
  • Customize the card fields by mapping a field in the recipients profile to a field on the new card.
    • Tip: Make sure all required fields have a value.
    • Tip: We'll auto-fill matching fields, but you can always make necessary adjustments.
  • Click the Preview button at any time to see how the card will look when published.
  • When you're done customizing field mappings, click the Save & Continue button in either the top right or on the bottom of the form.
    • Tip: If the buttons are disabled, a required field somewhere is likely missing a value.
  • We'll save the progress you've made on the card and move you on to publishing.
    • Tip: Publishing makes the card live and ready to network.
  • Select the card platforms you'd like to publish by activating the toggle. Then click the Publish button.
  • If you've activated the web page platform, you'll need to reserve a unique web URL path for your team member.
    • Tip: We recommend using your team members' email prefix for this value as a safe bet.
  • We'll then automatically provision your new business card.
  • Once published, view or distribute your team members new card.
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